Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday 28-09-2008

I got to direct the music in sacrament meeting. Sterling Ellsworth, the called director, has moved away. It gave me mixed feelings. I was sad he moved away—he is an interesting man and a good friend—but I do enjoy directing the music.
I taught Sunday School class. The lesson was on the spirit world. It went well, and there was a lot of participation from the class. My one disappointment was that Brock Beers, a new member, has received a calling to work in the Primary. I have really enjoyed Brock in our class. Still, I am glad for his new calling.
Choir was good. I got a ride home with Bishop Greth.
I napped a little and finished inputting What Think Ye into Noteworthy Composer.
Chuck and Beth and girls came to celebrate Jackie’s birthday.
Jackie made fettuccini and meatballs, Jello salad, and lemon meringue pie. (Beth had offered to cook for her birthday, but Jackie always insists on cooking her own birthday meal.)
Jackie got Beth caught up in the new family search dot org, and they stayed here until 2150 (9:50 pm).
Joe answered my email. He called my poem awesome! He gave me a couple of suggestions, which I have already incorporated into it.

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