Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday 12
We spent the morning working on the form letters. We both revised, and I translated.
Bishop Oscar Ribera, the handyman, told us about Juli and Yunguyu and Aymara.
President and Sister Davis arrived late. They were both sick with colds.
And they gave a policeman a ride, which meant they had to go the speed limit (90 kph/55 mph).
They traded cars and headed to Juliaca, but that car didn’t work right.
They came back and traded, but this car’s windshield wipers were worn out and rain is promised.
They canceled the trip and rested the rest of the afternoon and evening.
Jackie and I continued to revise form letters.


Richardson Twins said...

I'm glad to see that you have a blog too! I appreciate you sharing your experiences. Gracias!

Ann said...

Thanks to both of you for sharing some many details about your mission. I try to check your blogs every 2 or 3 days and always enjoy what you share.

Love you guys!

PS Katie had to show off and say "gracias" because she taking a Spanish class this semester. Showoffs are such a bore! He, he , he. Love you too sis!